What's in YOUR Water
How does Mother Nature purify water?
The natural process for purifying water is called the 'Hydrologic Cycle'.
We know we cannot drink Seawater, its too salty. Yet all of our pure water comes from the oceans. When the water evaporates, all contaminants are left behind. Only pure water vapour forms the clouds and returns to earth as clean fresh rain and snow.
In 1974, just 20 contaminants were regulated today it is over 90 and 'acceptable levels' change as well.
Radio Nuclides
Alpha particles, Beta particles & Photon emitters, Radium 226, 228 (combined), Uranium.
Disinfectants & Disinfections by-products
Bromate, Chloramines, Chlorine, Chlorite, Halo-acetic acids, Total Trihalmethanes.
Inorganic Chemicals
Antimony, Arsenic, Asbestos, Barium, Beryllium,
Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Cyanide, Fluoride,
Lead, Mercury, Nitrate, Selenium.
Cryptosporidium, Giardia, Lamblia, Heterotrophic plate count, Legionella, Total Coliforms (inc fecal
coliform & E.Coli). Organic Chemicals
Acrylamide, Epichlorohydrin, Alachlor, Ethylbenzene, Atrazine, Ethylene Dibromide, Benzene, Glyphosate Benzo(a)pyrene, Heptachlor Carbofuran, Heptachlor epoxide Carbon Tetrachloride, Hexachlorobenbenzene Chlordane Hexachlorocyclopentadiene
Chlorobenzene, Lindane 2, 4-DMethoxychlor, Dalapon Oxamyl (Vydate) 1, Tetrachloroethylene
And more!
Hard Water Areas
Over 60% of the United Kingdom suffers from hard water
Hard water is classified as water with high levels of naturally occurring calcium and magnesium. It's caused by water that passes through underground areas with chalk and limestone geology. If your water travels though these areas then you will have hard water.